Dinner at Domino's Pizza

It's been a while since I last blogged. :)

Recently my parents brought me to have dinner at Domino's! I've never really tried it but the thought of cheese always make me salivate :P

Here's my looking at the menu.

I told Mummy that I really wanted that Chocolate Lava cake and she and dad agreed!

Starters! Mushroom soup and garlic sticks! So awesome when you dipped it into the soup. The hot creamy soup. *melts*

I couldn't help looking at the four glasses of Coke. There's four glasses because my parents ordered a meal for four. Yes, we are all hungry people when it comes to food.

The pizza has arrived! We had one large and one regular I think. Or were they both large or both regular? Oh never mind. All I know that it all went into my tummy *burp*

And here's the hot yummy chocolate lava cake!!! The chocolate oozing out from the cake. The smell was *faints* Can't wait to get more. Mummy, Daddy, when are we going for Domino's again?

